Enterprise Volunteers

Enterprise Volunteers

6-2 Enterprise Volunteers

Through the "Volunteer Award Program", we encourage our employees to participate in various social welfare and volunteer activities in a variety of ways to learn about community care and spiritual growth, which not only enriches the leisure life of our employees and the joy of public welfare activities, but also brings solidarity and cooperation among internal colleagues when they return to their workplaces.

Reborn Etude: Second-hand Material Donation and Volunteer Service

Novatech pays attention to the issue of waste reuse and believes that through the donation of unused goods and charity sales, it can help extend the life of goods, reduce the generation of waste, thus minimizing the impact on the environment, while also raising the public's social awareness and concern for the underprivileged to enhance cohesion among the community.
Reborn Etude was themed "Reborn", donating personal or unused items from home as charity sale materials, so that the items can find new homes and be used again. Together with the teenagers from the Taiwan Provincial Catholic Church Hsinchu Diocese Where Youth Service Center, Novatech also invited two suppliers to bring the meaning of "reborn" to the second-hand goods through the charity sale. On the day of the event, we arranged our staff to accompany the youth to perform and conduct the charity sale, and donated all the proceeds from the sale to the Where Youth Center. Sponsored NT$10,000 for the booth and engaged 16 volunteers for a total of 96 hours.
Novatech has sponsored the Reborn Etude Charity Sale booth from 2019 to 2022, contributing a total of NT$40,000, with a cumulative volunteer time of 318 hours.

Arts and Culture Promotion Highlight Stories
Cultivate artistic talents and enrich spiritual realm

Novatech invests in arts and culture resources to support staff to learn arts and culture and encourage them to learn to create art, so that participating staff can realize that the meaning of the activities is not only to appreciate, but also to convey the value of humanistic thinking. The subtle influence of art can build social solidarity and trust and inspire staff to explore. In addition, Novatech also believes that in the process of promoting Taiwanese arts and culture, it will invest resources in the development of Taiwanese arts and culture, and contribute to the promotion of culture and education in the society. In the process of promotion, Novatech will also stimulate innovative ideas for products and services within the company, which will bring unexpected positive benefits.
Starting from 2021, based on the principle of "diversification", we support employees to enroll in art study courses during their off-duty hours. From 2021 to 2022, employees who are interested in art took the "Blue-and-white porcelain patternclass" held by Taoyuan Lu-shan Yuan Community College and the "Traditional Chinese painting class" taught by instructor CHIU, MEI-CHEN of Taoyuan Cai-Yu Workshop. Three of our staff members seemed to have developed an interest in art, and during the two-year period, they continued to improve their art cultivation and art appreciation skills by learning from the instructors, and at the same time, they created a number of outstanding works of art. In the past two years, the number of times the employees took part in the arts and culture workshop has totaled 5, and the number of lessons has totaled 118.

Novatech Social Influence Map: Enterprise Volunteers

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